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( Web application, PHP development) Online hotel reservation system
Executive Summary

Our client, a leading American broker for booking hotel, lodge and restaurant used offline pen and paper for maintaining all his records. He had sub-agents under him, customers, and also records of all hotels which were booked and which were available. He used excel sheet to keep track of everything, but handling it was very painful and hectic for him.
Our client approached us to automate his business completely; managing availability, online booking, handling payments, paying commission to sub-agents, providing discounts, loyalty points and much more.
Development by The Web Fosters:
As a first step, The Web Fosters team tried to completely understand his business model. After understanding his business, we proposed the clients to have 3 different user types or section in website for admin, sub-agents and customer.
We also shared the detailed functionality which should we present for each user type and the technical details like PHP framework, and MySQL database which will be used.
1. The admin section contained management of sub-agents, hotels, customers, and many settings which help him to manage the application effectively.
2. The Sub-agents section contained add hotels, its images, videos, and features of hotels like Swimming pool, wifi, Gym etc.
3. The customer section contained list of hotel, showing real-time nearby hotels by knowing users location, advance searching, booking, online payment using debit/credit cards, applying coupon codes and much more.
Our skilled PHP developers developed the application within the time without compromising any features and with tight security.
1. ACL (access control limit) was integrated by our developer in the system to manage different user types.
2. An online payment gateway system like PayPal was integrated.
3. PDF generation tools WKHTMLTOPDF was used for generating invoices pdf.
4. Support for multi-lingual or localization was added.
5. Video player was added.
Technical Stack:
LAMP, PHP, cakePHP framework, MySQL, jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap, WKHTMLTOPDF, video javascript, Bitbucket SCM.